Fluorescent tubes and bulbs contain toxic metals such as mercury, cadmium and lead.
Intact and in use they are not harmful to human health or the environment. However when broken, which happens when they are land filled, they release toxic levels of mercury and other hazardous metals into our water and the atmosphere.
Mercury from one fluorescent tube is enough to contaminate 30,000 litres of drinking water to levels unfit for drinking.
Fluorescent tubes and lamps must not be mixed with general or non hazardous waste. The 2005 hazardous waste regulations now classify them as hazardous waste and they must be disposed of in compliance with current legislation.
Pulse Environmental offers a simple and compliant disposal solution which meets legislative requirements, is environmentally friendly and cost effective.
We can supply the appropriate storage containers for small quantities or we will provide bulk storage units for the safe containment of up to 2000 lamps.
Collections will be arranged as required and Pulse Environmental will take care of the necessary Environmental Agency, Hazardous Waste Consignment Note.